who we are

About Us

A balanced and proper intake of nutritious food is essential for the overall growth and development of a person. Sometimes, lack of certain nutrients which are seen in locally sourced food are not available to the urbanized population. Drastic shift to junk food and ready to eat food has led to an imbalance in their regular diet which often results in increased risk of diseases during early adulthood. This is where supplementary food comes to the rescue!!

Our Mission

Our mission is to inculcate a well-balanced diet, take steps towards prevention of diseases caused due to lack of nutritious food and to ensure your health is in safe hands.

Our Vision

Our vision is to produce safe, superior quality supplementary food that is equally beneficial for lactating moms and young children.

Latest News

Suplements and Your Health

A lot of people these days are trying to make their health better. No matter where you turn, from TV to newspapers, you’ll see stories about people and how bad …